

Since I discussed my favorite word (bumblebee) in my last post, I guess I will disclose the word that I most detest.  

But, before I do- I must stress that your newfound knowledge of this word does NOT mean that you should, in any manner, taunt me with it the next time that we come in contact with one another.  My friends and family who have known of this word and my immense hatred for it, also know that taunting me does not go over well.  I do not find it funny if you say it around me.  I do not find it funny if you show it to me in any written form.  It is about as funny as eating a cat turd.  Which if you think that is at all funny, then I can only hope that we are not friends and you just stumbled upon this blog by accident.  I also hope that you do not own a cat.  

Now, that we have that cleared up... back to the word.  It is... the "M" word.  I cannot even type it because I will have to reread it and it makes me want to gag.  

If you do not know what word I am referring to, it is the existence of water in trace amounts... like humidity.  It is also a descriptive term that people often use to complement a good cake- which really pisses me off.  I mean, if someone sits down to enjoy a nice slice of cake- why would you want to make them vom by talking about it's "M"???!?  That's just freakin' nasty and wrong... just wrong.

Why do I hate this word so much?  Well, as I mentioned in my last post in regards to my favorite word- the physical vocalization of the word and what expression results on your face comes into play.  For example, when I say "bumblebee" my faces turns into a smile.  When someone (not myself, because I do not say this word) articulates the "M" word- they make an incredibly ugly face.  Normally, this is where I would ask you to participate and say the word so that you can see what I mean, but please spare yourself and anyone in your general vicinity.  Just trust me: ugly ass face.  

Ok- just so you are not tempted to say it, here is an example of what you basically would look like:

You might think that I am weird (in regards to my distaste of the "M" word- never for anything else), but I have learned over the years that a surprisingly large amount of people share my hatred of this word.  This has been a blessing in many ways because they too will never utter this disgusting word.

Since I personally knew so many people who hated it, I did some research (and by research- I mean I just now looked it up on google) to see just how common it was.  (Yes, I did this in hopes of you finding me a little less weird.)  You would actually be surprised at how many articles I came across... but long story short- A LOT of people hate that word.  (I really do not want to have to cite any of my findings- but you can google it too if you do not believe me.)  

Many people, including myself, would prefer it just be removed from the English language.  And, no- do NOT try to defend keeping it around so you can talk about your damn cake.  There are plenty of other descriptive words that you can use for that.  And, isn't the point of bragging about your cake to make people want to eat it?  I would hope so.  So, please spare 90% of the population and just choose a different, less offensive descriptive term.  

And, remember: taunting me with the "M" word = you think eating cat turds is funny.

I bid you adieu (not from a cat you sicko),

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